Friday, October 14, 2011

Lasagna is Awesome. Incidentally, so am I.

   New recipe time!  As you know, I returned to WW meetings last week, and there was an especially delectable looking recipe in the "Getting Started" materials that I had to try.  The recipe was for slow-cooker lasagna.  Having an insatiable lust for all things cheese, pasta and tomato related, naturally the recipe was irresistible.  So today was experiment day.  I am happy to report that it turned out FABULOUSLY!  The following is a pictorial depiction of my cooking experience.

   First, a look at the simple ingredients involved in today's culinary success:

  Next, the creation of the sauce.  It is still surprising to me that one can actually make really yummy pasta sauce without having to actually purchase pasta sauce in a jar.  All I did here was use a can of crushed tomatoes and a can of plain tomato sauce, and mix it with ground beef, onion, garlic, and a few spices.  It tastes just as good as the pasta sauce out of a jar, but I'll bet its a whole lot healthier, and lets be honest, few things smell better than sauteing onion and garlic.  Here is my concoction:

  Now we get to the awesome building phase.  There is something about layering food that is very amusing.  I think it has something to do with satisfying my OCD tendencies... First I put a layer of sauce in the bottom of the crock pot, then a layer of no-cook lasagna noodles (the coolest invention ever), and finally a layer of the ricotta/mozzarella mixture.  Repeat.  Easy-peasy!

  Then comes my favorite part of any crock-pot related recipe.  COOKING.  Set that baby on low and forget about it for 4-6 hours!

   This is why the crock-pot is so magical.  All of the above steps happened around noon today.  Then I was able to leave the house, run a few errands, come home, watch a movie, and smell the glorious lasagna smell all afternoon.  Then it was as if I had my own personal chef in the kitchen who had just made me dinner when it came time to eat tonight!  Love it!  The last step in the recipe is to top the finished product with some mozzarella and parmesan, and put the lid back on for about 10 minutes so it gets all melty and gooey.  Behold:


   I added a slice of garlic bread and viola!!  Dinner is ready!

   And since this recipe makes 6 servings, I have enough to last me for several more meals!  I'm going to try to freeze a couple of them and see how that goes...

   I'll admit the finished product is a little bit messy.  There are no lovely layered squares to look at, but who cares!  It doesn't have to be pretty as long as it tastes good!  I was actually surprised by the amount of food included in one serving (especially the cheese), but according to WW, the whole works is only 10 points per serving.  Heck yes.

   All in all, I'd say this recipe was a culinary success in my kitchen today.  Score for WW.  I heart cheese.

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